MyFilipinoHair started growing in 2009. Since the Philippines is considered a melting pot of cultures, most Filipinos have mixed blood. It’s quite evident with the ton of good-looking ladies and gents roaming the 7,107 islands of the Philippines. Dramatic eyes, gorgeous morena skin and long silky hair – the last being one of the more important reasons why MyFilipinoHair is of existence.
It is a silent issue but the need for hair is actually more in demand than what it looks like. The haircut you got last week but regretted immediately upon a glimpse in the mirror, the completely unflattering way your mane got damaged upon misusing a hair product, that time you actually missed your long locks when you got a lob because it was so in – we make bad decisions less bad.
We make hair extensions for everyone who felt wronged by the salon, who felt that age isn’t really just a number, and those who felt that maybe he or she could do better. We make hair extensions for anyone who wants it.
MyFilipinoHair employs a meticulous way of sourcing the hair that we humbly offer to those who need to breathe new life to their desolate strands or those who just want to inspire change within self for a more refreshing appearance.
Have no trouble finding the perfect style and shade. We’ve got hair that will surely match European, American and even African hair. Because of this, our market is expanding to deeper seas, such as Dubai, Canada and other countries in Europe. We only offer the best quality of hair out there – and we stand true to this principle. Or you get your money back.